Friday, August 17, 2012

Ruby Giraffe Fall 2012: Earth


I understand this word, this term to mean so many things- physical space, greenery, planet etc. I using this word ambiguously. My Grandmother Ruby Jean loved  earth- nature, plants, animals and all things organic. Her kitchen was the proof, it was a rainforest with beautiful lace covered flower pots and plants hanging from the ceiling. She loved to watch Meerkats  and shows  about alligators/crocs on Animal Planet. I choose this fabric, with these colors to represent all of her favorite things.

I love my Grandmother Ruby, my earth. She is Earth, in the sense that she is the origin of my mother's life & my own. She nurtured me with good knowledge, wisdom, food and love, like a tree, I grew tall and strong from the Earth. In the sense of physical space, as a toddler, I lived on my Grandmother's mountain ( round belly). I live and grow because of her.

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