Saturday, June 16, 2012

Creating the Ruby Giraffe Brand: Busy Extraterrestrial

Any owner of a start-up company or any owner of any successful business knows "breaking" into the business is always the hardest. Today, I went into the depth of social media ( twitter, Facebook, Youtube, blogger) to ensure that the Ruby Giraffe Brand is represented. I was unable to secure the name " Ruby Giraffe" for all the entities but I got close.

The most difficult was writing the Brand bios for my Grandmother and I. My Grandmother has "transitioned" from this life into the another and I really wanted to make sure that I did her justice in writing her biography. I spent about 5 hours writing and rewriting as my Grandmother is such a special lady to so many people.

Here is her bio:

Ruby Jean
A Southern Bella born in the midst of the Great Depression, she felt the heartaches and heartbreak of the Jim Crow South. She wanted more, she wanted a life apart from racial injustice and cotton fields, she wanted adventure and enchantment(magic).  With an Amtrak ticket, her pill box hat and lace gloves, she left the South for the home of the Blues.

Against the backdrop of  Al Capone prohibition-era ghosts, neo-classical steel/glass architecture  and Lake Michigan, the buxom beauty thrived. She dressed her dangerous curves well and was known as a “brick house”. She was gregarious, intelligent, loud, opinionated and active in Civil Right Movement. She even rubbed shoulders with greats like Sam Cooke and Mayor Harold Washington. She is the epitome of bold, timeless elegance and movie star glamour. She was a mother, a grandmother, a warrior, a Civil Right warrior, an entrepreneur, a teacher, a leader, a healer. Hers was a love affair with debonair beauty and grace.

She’s legend 1933-2011.

It is 4:12PM EST, I am hoping to complete my bio which will be even harder as I never talk about myself or my accomplishments. I kinda believe that it's bragging and I am way too modest for that. Next I have to create the Brand Philosophy, I have read companies' biographies and brand philosophies that have been CORNY! I don't do corny. 

I am working hard to design my own logo. Graphic designers tend to be very expensive and have huge ego. I want to say to my current graphic designer, "shove it". Next, it is recreating my samples. This summer, I am going to be a busy  extraterrestrial. 

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