Monday, June 18, 2012

Style Philosophy of Ruby Giraffe

All day, I have attempted to pick up fabric for samples from my supplier in Brooklyn. I refuse to leave my apartment until I was able to put into words, the style and brand Philosophy of Ruby Giraffe. Theory and conceptualizing are very different. I toyed with various ideas and concepts like:

Harlem Renaissance
It is as much inspired by the works of James Baldwin and the Harlem Renaissance as it is by skateboard geeks, Matisse and neo soul music (PAUSE...I know that this sounds like a thesis but I told you guys earlier that I was a geek).

Personification of two personalities, senses of style and legacy of Ruby Jean.

In the end, I decided to go with:
Ruby Giraffe is the duality that DuBois spoke of, a hybrid of classical vintage and new school futurism.  Each piece, a piece of soul from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and the infinite beyond told through a mosaic of color, elegance and the strange. It is the legacy of Ruby Jean.
Strange beauty, all around. We are all beautiful, extraterrestrial creatures( I don't believe that normal is FUN. When you blend into the crowd, you never have the opportunity to become your true and amazing self).

Ruby Giraffe’s style culture is unconventional. It holds hostage ( I love this word, it is so gangster) fashion “norms”, contemporary ideologies and cookie -cutter carbon copies. We are hijacking the fashion industry.

You can take your mind on a journey to psychedelic outer space, Paris in the 1920s or 1960s Chicago ( in one of our garments) where normal doesn’t exist or you can be left behind ( please don't get left behind, we want you to join us). It’s your choice.  No robots allowed, unless you are the funky dancing robot type.

The universe is a canvas. Paint it…red with giraffe spots.

Hush, listen…you feel the change coming.
Henri Matisse
 Honestly, the Ruby Giraffe brand is about encouraging every individual to be/become their true and amazing self. My Grandmother Ruby Jean instilled me.

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