Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mixed Media Textiles: Studio Museum in Harlem

My mother arrived from Chicago on Thursday. She has the energy of 15 teenagers, we went everywhere-Chinatown, Brooklyn Bridge, Ellis Island, Statute of Liberty, Mood Fabric, George Washington Bridge, Harlem, Marcus Garvey Park, where we listened to a West Indian bongo medley. Today, we went to the Studio Museum in Harlem. I saw several mixed media pieces that stood out to me by Njideka Akunyili .

I Refuse To Be Invisible by N. Akunyili
My mother has encouraged me to utilized mixed media to create my textiles. We are also going to name the different garments before she ventures on her journey home. As a tribute to my mother, I am going to combine elements from the different cultures that we encountered on our journey through New York.

You can just imagine the cultures that I encountered as well as the history on our journey.

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