Monday, July 9, 2012

Say Hello to Your Grand and Beautiful Self

I wrote the following last year for my blog, " Hip Hop Religion Revolution". I had the idea that the hurt, pain and insecurities that an individual feels could be healed through Hip Hop music, positive affirmations and interfaith dialogue...I still believe in these principles and the process that I created.

-          You are beautiful and loved regardless of sins committed, physical scars or wrong turns taken. You are so beautiful and cherished.  You don’t even know how special and wonderful you are!!! You are a child of greatness.
     One of the greatest things that my grandmother Ruby told me before her transition was, “you are a baby compared to this earth”. I typed “child” because you are full of life, you have so many things to experience and you have time for love, laughter and happiness.
    The woes and disappointments of life created a “disconnect” from our TRUE glorious selves. Once we lost the bond with our greatness, we were lost and looked to society for our identity. We assimilated to the “character fiction” and the archetypes of who society told us that we were. We listened to the voices of others instead of our own.  We believed others that did not really know us or know our dreams and aspirations.
      We have to forgive ourselves for this.
 You are an individual! Don’t listen or care what others have to say about you. What does your creator say? Your creator made you perfect and whole.  You are not ugly, weak, stupid on the contrary, you are powerful beyond measures. You have the power to reclaim your glory, your life, your family and your surroundings.

One thing that I would add is don't be afraid of your strength. Don't conform because you are different, that is the beauty of life. Embrace freewill to live your own truths and adventures. 


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